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Business Category: Churches / Clubs

Today is: March 12th, 2025
Prince of Wales Runners/Walkers Club

Sponsoring organization for the 24th Annual POW Island Marathon and 12th annual Half Marathon on May 24th, 2025. Also sponsors other fun runs throughout the year promoting a healthy lifestyle.

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P.O.W.E.R. — Prince of Wales Emergency Resources

POWER Thrift Store, Food Bank, and emergency resources. Helping those in need on POW Island. Volunteer run Thrift Store supported by Island businesses, churches, and community members since 1987.

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Craig Country Line Dancers

FREE line dancing lessons. Small group fun exercise, two nights a week. Call for meeting location in Craig. Beginners welcome anytime. Lots of music variety. Follow us on Facebook.

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American Legion POW Post 26

We support Island veterans, patriotism, youth outreach. We are a mobile post, able to travel to your community, if invited. We meet the second Thursday of each month, 10am.

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